This tutorial will show you how to
intall FormMail
One of the most popular form to e-mail scripts available is FormMail,
by Matt Wright. The script can be setup very quickly, and provides a
number of customization options. Because of FormMail's popularity, we have
included it as part of this documentation.
The following steps provide quick installation instructions for
FormMail. Be sure to read the FormMail README file for more detailed
information about customizing FormMail.
To install FormMail:
Download the latest version of FormMail from
Open in a text editor (such as NotePad).
Make sure the Perl path is set correctly. This information can be
found on the CPanel homepage. A typical path is: #!/usr/bin/perl
Make sure the Sendmail path is correct. This information can be found
on the CPanel homepage. A typical path is: /usr/lib/sendmail
Add you domain to the referrers. For example: @referers =
('', '')
Alter @recipients, if required. A standard setting is: @recipients =
Upload to your cgi-bin directory, and change the
file permissions to 755.
Create the form on your web page, with the following fields: <form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Feedback from website">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="">
- Upload the web page and test the form.